
Hold that thought, I've had a better one.
I was disappointed the other day when Elise, a friend from school said that she didn't trust me. I waqs abit upset but didn't worry about it until Lachlan and Joel, two more friends said that they didn't trust me either.
This made me mad. I'm a good person and can't think of anything that I had done to them for me to loose their trust. I hold the door open for ladies when I'm down the street, I give money to

So this morning I asked the class to raise their hands if they didn't trust me and about 75% of the class raised their hands, including my own sister. I was shocked and enraged. What did I do to deserve this, I'll tell you NOTHING!!!!!!! The shame, the shame. What's the point of being the coolest and best looking guy at school if no-one trusts me. Sure I joke around, but what 16 year old boy doesn't, and that doesn't make me untrustworthy.
I will get to the bottom of this, and restore everyones trust, by whatever means nessaserry, and I mean WHATEVER means nessaserry.