Hold That Thought, I've Had A Better One

Hold that thought, I've had a better one.
Because I haven't tought of an end catch phrase yet, I thought I would have a start catch phrase instead so from now on I will be starting with the above statement. I sought of stole it of that new show David Tench Tonight but I don't think he will mind concidering he isn't real. Talking about David Tench Tonight, how good does it look. I think it could be the funniest show on TV. We'll just have to watch it on Thursday and find out. But counting out David Tench and House all the good shows are finishing. Lost is over, Prison Break is over and Supernatural is over (but will hopefully be back soon). Anyway thats all I can think of for this pointless blog so catch ya later.
P.S. What was your favorite show of 2006?
I currently can't decided what I like more....desperate house wives or Grey's anatomy
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