Superman vs Batman
As I was lying in bed last night trying to sleep, I began to ponder. No doubt that at some stage in your life you have been asked or asked yourself the age old question, who would win a fight between Superman and Batman? Now personally I think The Punisher would
kick both their asses but if it was just between those two who would be victorious? Now Batman is definitly cooler and has tonnes of awsum gadgets but as powers go i think it's fare to say he's lacking. Superman is abit more dorky (with all that spandex) but as powers go the Man of Steel is outright winner, he can fly, he's stronger than a tank and he can see through walls (just to name a few). It would also depend on the circumstances. In a normal fight, even th
ough I would like to see Batman win, I would have to say the Man of Steel would come out on top. But say Batman was wearing a kryptonite suit and had a chainsaw then he would be able to weaken Superman and decapitate him. So to answer the question, Superman would win unless Batman turns into a kryptonite Leatherface. Thats my opinion but please tell me yours.
P.S. Who is your favorite Superhero (or Antihero)?
I am a big fan of superman, but not like the most recent movie, the Smallville Superman, I think its the whole damsel in desstress thing. :)
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