Hold that thought, I've had a better one.
Anyone that knows me will know that I'm a rev head and a mad Ford man, and have been since I was 8. So like

any rev head, I watched the legendary Bathurst 1000 on the weekend, and like any mad Ford fan, was more excited than a young child waiting for the ice cream truck when my hero, Craig lowndes, one the event and broke the 7 year drought. It was one of the weirdest Bathurst races ever, with a safety car coming out every 4 laps, and some of the most scariest crashes I've ever seen. But the main difference was the morning of Brocky. Craig Lowndes was a good friend of Peter Brocks and I hav no doubt that that was the main

insperation and motervation towards his victory. Lowndesy drove better than

I have ever seen him drive, and was amazing to watch. And the last 10- 15 laps were so nerve racking because Rick Kelly was getting closer and closer. But Lowndesy held strong. The best race I have ever seen, and one by one of the modern Legends of racing. GO LOWNDSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!