Hold that thought, I've had a better one.
AAARRRRRRHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOREDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats right, the most exciting, most loveable, most important and most hyper-active person in Victoris ia BORED!!!! Its nearly been 1 week of holidays and i've done absolutely nothing (except for Tuesday, but I'll tell ya about that in a minute). Normally I would be in the city, hangin out with friends, doing something completely stupid, you know, spur of the moment things like walking around Melbourne in a fat suit or Diving out of a tree onto my trampoline or peeing on my mate, Lachlan's fence (I probably shouldn't have told you about that one). But these holidays I have done zippo except for sitting in front of my computer for 12 hours a day, downloading music, and looking at stuff on ebay that i can't buy, coz I don't have an account. Now you may be asking yourself, why don't I get off my lazy arse and do something? Well my friends, I cant coz all my friends are either buzy or too lazy (Yes Chris, I'm talking about you, get off World of Warcraft and invite me over!!!!!).

But Tuesday was a different day completely, one of my best mates, Tom and I went to eastland and then went bowling with some other friends of mine. Now you may be thinking, hey, thats cool, but nothing fantastic, but the thing is, some very exciting and dramatic things happened upon the way.
First, we caught the Belgrave train to Ringwood, as we normally do, and while we were sitting down, waiting for the train to leave Belgrave, this 13 year old kid gets on. Now This kid was obviesly on drugs (he had marks and patches all along the veins of his arm). And he came up and sat opposite us and just stared at us for about 5 minutes, not saying a word. So me and Tom ignored him, and commented on how weird this child was. Then the kid asked us all these questions that didn't make sence, and after each question he said "What?" Now this kid was about 4'8", in other words very small, and I'm 6'1" and Tom is 6'5", so you would have to be stoned to pick a fight with us, but he did. He pulled out this crappy, $2 pocket knife and started swearing and threatening us. This is when we started paying attention. Not because we were scared, but we were waiting for him to jump us, so we could show him whos boss. Then he started yelling and running around the train like a mad man, walking from one end of the carrige to the other, and jumping up on the seats, acting like a tiger or something. Now as i said before, Tom is a big dude, he even scares me, so this kid was very lucky that he got of at Upway, because another couple of stations, and he would have been getting off on a stretcher.
So then we enjoyed the ride and got of at Boronia to check out Sight and Sound (awsome music store in Boronia Plaza) and then we wnet into a $2 shop and bought some chocolates which were on special. This is where the second incident occured. When i went to pay for them, the stupid woman at the counter ripped me off $4. And when I argued with her, she ignored me, and pretty much forced me out of the shop. Now that lady is lucky that the chocolates tasted good, otherwise I would have walked back in there and shoved them down her throat. So we walked back to the train and guess what? More stoners (which isn't suprising for Boronia Station). They got on and started ranting and raving, atleast this time, they stayed away from us.
Finally we made it to Eastland. We looked around and got something to eat, but we didn't keep track of time, and as we came out of safeway, we realised that our train, which was 5 minutes away, left in 1 minute. so we sprinted and nearly went on the wrong platform, but Tom said we should check this one first, so we did and as we look up we see 'Lilydale train, leaving now'. So we jumped the fence, jumped the ticket validater and dived threw the doors, just as they closed.
So we got to Moorolbark, and got lost, but after about 10 minutes, we found the bowling alley, and had a fun couple of games.
So that was my Eventful day in my boring week.